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Baby's Room

Resource Library

5 Tips for Toddlers Sleep

As a parent with a toddler, it is never to late to learn a few things to ensure your toddler sleeps in their room and on there own. Check out this guide on things you can probably STOP doing to help your toddler create healthy sleep habits.

Baby Dressing Guide

The Baby Dressing Guide help you ensure your little one is nice warm and cozy based on varies temperatures.

Sample Schedule 0-2 Months

The first couple of months and typically be difficult as new parent or a parent with multiple children. A routine can be established at any time, check out a sample schedule for an infant 0-2 months old.

Sample Schedule 5-6 Months

At this time, your little may be experiencing developmental milestones, such as sitting up on their own, or you may notice they are beginning to stay woke longer, check out this guide to help see how their schedules changes as they get older.

Sample Schedule 13+ Months

You guessed it, you are now at a point where your little one is up longer, however you may notice that they are napping longer as well. Check out the sample schedule guide for your little toddler. This schedule is usually good up until the age of 2.5-3 years old.

Sleep Checklist 5-6 Months Old

Check out the Sleep Checklist for your little one 5-6 months old.

Baby Poop Chart

As newborns, your baby's poop with change over time. Check out this useful guide to help you navigate through the varies colors and textures you may see from your little one.

Baby Stomach Size

As a first time or new mom we tend to get wrapped around the axle trying to figure how to determine when our little ones are full rather we are nursing or giving them formula in a bottle. Check out the "Baby Stomach Size" chart to help you gauge the right about your baby should be eating.

Sample Schedule 3-4 Months

Many parents begin to see changes in sleep habits around 3-4 months of age. Some fear regression, check out the same schedule for 3-4 months old to help with adjustments through regressions.

Sample Schedule 7-12 Months

By this point your little one has either achieved more milestones or is on the verge which can impact their schedule. Check out the sample schedule guide for babies 7-12 months old.

Sleep Checklist 3-4 Months Old

Check out the Sleep Checklist for your little one 3-4 months old.

Sleep Checklist 7-12 Months Old

Check out the Sleep Checklist for your little one 7-12 months old.

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